Starting with us

If you are interested in your child attending Maple Tree Childminding please call to arrange a visit where I will be happy to show you round my home and discuss our daily routine. Before your child starts I will require you to complete a registration form and a small questionnaire about your child to help me understand their needs and routine. You will then be invited along to a settling in session where I get to know you and your child and more importantly your child gets to meet me. During the settling sessions I will also discuss my policies and procedures with you. These are available to view anytime.  A second settling session will take place where you leave your child for a few hours so help them get used to staying with me. If your child needs more sessions this will be discussed.

As parents you are your child’s first and most enduring educators and I work in partnership with you to ensure your child has the best start to their life. By having a regular two-way flow information and sharing knowledge we can help to benefit your child. I give verbal feedback at the end of your childs day as well as a weekly email update. Parent’s evenings are held regularly and I hold an open door policy so you can talk to me about any concerns at any time.This can be done out of hours if preferred or via email. I also arrange winter and summer events.  I support you in guiding your child at home and work in partnership with you when dealing with any developments your child is going through (including weaning, potty training, or preparing for school).
