Local Offer

1. How does the early years setting know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities?

As a childminder I assess and observe all the children continually in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) set out by the government. I have discussions with you regarding your child and any concerns you may have about your child’s development and progress.

All children who are new to my service are assessed as a starting point to see their individual progression. This is done by observations and by asking parents to complete an all about me form.
I talk with all my parents at the beginning and end of each day. I am also available via phone or email.

A 2 year old development check is undertaken jointly with parents to review ongoing progress.

I have extensive child-development knowledge which I have gained through training and working within childcare for over 10 years, I use this knowledge when making judgments and decisions about support.

Any concerns I have will be discussed with you initially, and with your permission, I would then speak to professionals to gain further specific advice. If you think your child may have special educational needs or disabilities please arrange to talk to me.

2. How will early years setting staff support my child?

I work closely with all the children in my service and liaise and involve parents continually.
I support the children by also working closely with all professionals who may be involved with any child in my care and I follow any advice from professionals involved in their care.

I follow my policies to help support all children. These include Equal Opportunities, Confidentiality, Risk Assessment and SEND policies.

I assist you to support your child with on-going assessments and developments. I focus on your child’s strengths, building on these to boost each child’s self-esteem and self-confidence.

3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

I use Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum as a guide for each child’s development.
All curriculum planning is based around the child’s own strengths and needs, using observations as a starting point to assess what they can do.

All planning is individually tailored to your child’s developmental needs, rather than their age. I use your child’s interests and preferences to stimulate and encourage their participation and interest.

Children can explore and investigate confidently in my service – both indoors and out in the garden and on excursions away from our setting.

4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

As a parent/carer you will be kept informed continually about your child’s progress and achievements. This is achieved through daily discussions, daily diaries, and their individual folders containing continual observations and assessments which I use to inform their planning. Photos are used in the daily diaries as a way of sharing your child’s day

We can also arrange to meet and chat informally at a mutually convenient time.

I am happy to suggest activities for you to do with your child at home.

All concerns are shared firstly with you the child’s parent/carer and with agreement I will seek further advice from other relevant professionals.

I have a ‘Parents as Partners’ policy which I regularly review and implement

5. What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?

Your child’s overall well-being is my personal concern.

I am responsible for each child’s safety and security – both physically and emotionally during their time in my care. Emotionally I aim to support and enhance each child’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Physically I aim to keep them safe from harm.

I have a behaviour policy which I implement. Positive behaviour is re-enforced and encouraged using praise.

I risk assess my service and all outings constantly.

Simple house-rules are in place and shared with parents and children.

I am first-aid trained and I re-take this every 3 years. Medication is stored as directed on the container and information is recorded by myself and signed daily by parents.

I have undertaken safe-guarding training and again, this is renewed every 3 years.

Myself and my husband have had a full DBS check.

I have a full range of policies including child protection, safe-guarding, inclusion, risk assessments, health and safety, sickness and accident.

All my policies are reviewed annually, or following training where appropriate.

Written permission is sought for outings and use of cameras when you join our service.

6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the early years setting?

I follow professional advice to assist with progress specifically for your child.

I have a good network of childminding colleagues who have a wealth of experience and expertise among them.

I can access advice from Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) via my development officer or from specific professionals.

7. What training are the staff, supporting children with SEND, had or are having?

I access specific training as the need arises to ensure my professional knowledge and development is continued.

I have previously undertaken training in areas such as Makaton and am happy to access courses and training as needed. I am a member of my local training scheme

8. How will my child be included in activities outside the early years setting including trips?

As a childminder I have an inclusive service and this is naturally extended to all activities outside too. Before undertaking excursions I seek your advice as you have the most up-to-date and relevant knowledge and information concerning your child’s needs and requirements.

All trips are risk-assessed taking into consideration all children I have in my care.

Excursions are planned with your child’s needs accounted for. My Equal opportunities policy is always put into practise

9. How accessible is the early years setting environment? (Indoors and outdoors)

I work from my home, which is a bungalow in Hassocks.

There is a step up from my path into my front door and 4 steps down to the garden from the house. The outdoor area is all one level but there are also 2 steps to the back gate. Our toilet facilities are downstairs. My doorways are not wide enough for a full sized wheel chair. I am therefore not suitable for children who need to use a wheelchair full time but please contact me if you have any questions.

10. How will the early years setting prepare and support my child to join the early years setting, transfer to a new setting/school?

I have an admissions/settling-in policy which I follow for all new children attending my care. I have initial meetings are with both the parent/s and child, this gives us the opportunity to meet each other and get to know you both better;- this creates a good environment for future discussions.

Once a parent has decided they would like their child to start with me, we then discuss a flexible settling-in time-table in the weeks/days leading up to their start date. My policies are all available on my website (http://mapletreechildminding.co.uk/policies-2/) On the first meeting I will ask you to sign a permission sheet and agreement that you have read and agree with all my policies.

Most importantly the settling-in period gives your child opportunities to become familiar and comfortable with me caring for them and also for them to meet other children in my care, my family members and to feel comfortable and confident in their new surroundings.
I will ask you and your child about their individual likes, dislikes, fears, needs and comforters and ask you to fill out an all about me form.

For children moving onto a new early years setting or school the professionals from these services are welcome to call me to discuss your child, or to visit them here in my home, if they wish to; with your written permission.

With your permission, other relevant professionals can have access to your child’s development folder

11. How are the early years setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

I will work with the family to identify and obtain other specialist equipment where required; linking in with professionals.

12. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

The decision is made about how much and the type of support your child receives following discussions with you the parent and after observations and assessments that I undertake.
Also, where appropriate, the 2 year old check will help to highlight where support is needed.

13. How are parents involved in the early years setting? How can I be involved?

Parents will be continually consulted. As parents you will be kept up to date with your child’s progress and care. You will also have a daily diary which is for written 2-way communication between yourself and me. The diary also contains photos which prompts communication between yourself and your child about their day in my care.

Joint working with parents is always mutually beneficial- especially for your child.

14. Who can I contact for further information?

Further information and advice can be gained from your Health Visitor, local Children’s Centre, Area Inclusion Team, Portage, Services for Young Children, Locality Team and Social

Also from:-

www.gov.uk/early-years-foundation-stage for Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum,

www.gov.uk/free-early-education for funding information for 15 hours a week for 2, 3 and 4 year olds

I am always happy to discuss your child’s development, progress or any concerns you might have. This can be face-to-face or via the telephone – whichever is more convenient for you.